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36 min readDec 7, 2019


Glutathione — Its role in Cancer & Anticancer Therapy

Why your body needs a regular supply of this critical substance and how it
can help prevent the onset of cancer, and ease the side effects of
chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Warning. Injecting, ingesting or inhaling Glutathione is ineffective and is
potentially harmful.
Each and every cell in the body is responsible for it’s own supply of
glutathione, and must have the necessary raw materials to make it.

What Is The Connection Between Glutathione And Cancer?
Glutathione helps us fight cancer in at least three ways: firstly and most
importantly, it can prevent cancers from developing in the first place.
Secondly, glutathione tends to combat cancers already established in the
body. Lastly, is can alleviate many of the consequences of cancer, including
severe weight loss, and the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Antioxidant defense against DNA mutation
Free radicals are pro-oxidants, a normal by-product of energy production and
other cellular activities. They can cause DNA mutations. A 1996 article in
the European Journal of Cancer suggests that free radicals be listed as an
important class of carcinogens. As the cell’s major antioxidant, glutathione
neutralizes the damaging potential of free radicals — especially
oxyradicals — as soon as they form in the cell. Glutathione has the
additional benefit of enhancing the effect of other antioxidants such as
vitamins C and E and selenium, each of which play their own particular role
in the non-stop fight against free radicals. Glutathione not only prevents
DNA mutation, it can also repair damaged DNA and contributes to the creation
of new DNA.

Enhancement of Immune System
Glutathione is a critical player in the immune system and is directly
involved in the replication and growth of T-cell lymphocytes — a type of
white blood cell that targets specific disease agents and helps coordinate a
body-wide response. Low glutathione levels lead to inadequate T-cell
activity such as seen in AIDS patients, who are particularly susceptible to
Karposi’s sarcoma — a type of cancer to which healthy immune systems are
normally resistant.

Detoxification of Carcinogens
In addition to being a powerful antioxidant, glutathione is a potent
detoxifier, known to neutralize and or eliminate a number of well-documented
environmental carcinogens and mutagens. It is not surprising that
glutathione is most highly concentrated in the liver, the body’s principal
detoxifying organ.

Elevated glutathione levels have proven to be very effective against cancer.
The Chemoprevention Branch of the U.S. National Cancer institute has for the
last decade been developing drugs to help diminish the incidence of cancer,
and two of the most effective weapons in their arsenal are NAC — a potent
pharmaceutical that raises glutathione levels in the body — and
selenomethionine — a selenium derivative with similar effects.

Do Low Glutathione Levels Encourage Cancer?
Glutathione is a component of several enzymes, each of which plays a
particular role in the body’s defense systems. A study published in the
Journal of the National Cancer institute looked at one of these enzymes -
glutathione-S transferase-mu-1 (GSTM1) — which is manufactured by the body
according to a pattern stored in a specific gene. It appears that one person
in two inherits two defective copies of the GSTM1 gene, and that 25% of all
bladder cancers can be attributed to the poor functioning of that gene. The
GSTM1 enzyme is an antioxidant that also detoxifies common bladder
carcinogens such as tobacco smoke.
Other studies have shown that another glutathione enzyme -
glutathione-S-trans-ferase-pi-1 (GSTP1) is almost always absent in men with
cancerous and pre-cancerous prostate conditions. It seems likely that the
lack of this glutathione enzyme may make it easier for cancer to take hold
in the prostate gland, and several studies so far appear to confirm this
suspicion. Similarly, the lack of other glutathione enzymes has been linked
to the onset of breast and lung cancer, especially in smokers. For those
reasons, a growing number of medical scientists are suggesting that people
be screened for enzyme deficiencies — or even the genetic defects that
produce them — as a way to more accurately determine an individual’s risk of

If Certain Cancer Cells Are High In glutathione, Wouldn’t Raising
Glutathione Levels Make Cancer Stronger?

Many types of tumors have large amounts of glutathione, a factor that can
make them resistant to both chemo and radiotherapy. However, cancer cells
have lost their ability to self-regulate growth and other metabolic
functions. One thing they do not do well is regulate glutathione metabolism.
When cancer cells are exposed to large amounts of glutathione precursors
(either natural or pharmaceutical manufactured) they shut down glutathione
production. This is what scientists call “down-regulation” or “negative
feedback” inhibition. Healthy cells do not react in the same manner.

How Can Raising Glutathione Help Fight A Cancer?
By using the proper precursors or building blocks, glutathione levels can be
selectively raised in normal tissues and depleted in cancer cells, thereby
making the cancer cells more susceptible to damage and removal by the immune

How Does Raising Glutathione Help In Chemo And Radiotherapy?

In the same way that the lowering of glutathione in the cancer cells make
them more susceptible to damage, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy,
elevated glutathione levels in healthy cells make them more resistant to the
treatments. This leads to fewer side effects, such as nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, hair loss, and even leukopenia (loss of white blood cells).

Glutathione And The Immune System Against Cancer

Glutathione helps the immune system in several ways. First by facilitating
the growth and function of white blood cells, which are often heavily
damaged by anticancer treatments, and it raises the immune system’s capacity
to fight the cancer directly.

Glutathione In Surgery And Recovery
Surgery itself releases trillions of free radicals, while anesthetics and
other drugs carry additional hazards. Glutathione’s role as both antioxidant
and detoxifier may diminish the threat. Higher glutathione levels are also
known to speed up the healing process and to reduce the possibility of
infection following surgery.

You have to cut, copy paste these links about glutathione as related to

Radiation therapy

Skin cancer

Prostate cancer

Ovarian Cancer

Lung cancer:

Kidney cancer

Colon cancer

Breast cancer




To order specific books about Glutathione which include chapters dedicated
to cancer:

You can also enter the PubMed site to do your own query. EXAMPLES:
“glutathione AND lipid peroxidation” or “GSH AND oxidative stress”.

· “We literally cannot survive without this miraculous antioxidant,”
according to Dr. Earl Mindell, What You Should Know about the Super
Antioxidant Miracle
· “No other antioxidant is as important to overall health as glutathione. It
is the regenerator of immune cells and the most valuable detoxifying agent
in the body. Low levels are associated with early aging and even death.” The
Immune System Cure, Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe & Patrick J.D. Bouic, Ph.D.
· “Without glutathione, other important antioxidants such as vitamins C and
E cannot do their job adequately to protect your body against disease.”
Breakthrough in Cell Defense, Dr. Allan Somersall, Ph.D., M.D. with Dr.
Gustavo Bounous, M.D. FRCS(C)
· “Your life depends on glutathione. Without it, your cells would
disintegrate from unrestrained oxidation, your body would have little
resistance to bacteria, viruses and cancer, and your liver would shrivel up
from the eventual accumulation of toxins.” Glutathione: Essential Health
AID — Antioxidant. Immune Booster. Detoxifier, Dr. Jimmy Gutman, MD, FACEP
· “A review article published in the Annals of Pharmacology stated that
glutathione is important in DNA synthesis and repair, protein and
prostaglandin synthesis, amino acid transport, detoxification of toxins and
carcinogens, enhancement of the immune system, and protection from oxidation
and enzyme activations.” The Immune System Cure, Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe &
Patrick J.D. Bouic, Ph.D.
· “Glutathione has potent anti-viral properties — if you raise the
glutathione level you can stop the replication of most any, at least,
intracellular pathogen….but glutathione deficiency produces a pro-viral
effect.” Dr. Paul Cheney, transcribed from a workshop presentation on the
clinical management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
· “Glutathione levels also diminish as we age and many diseases normally
associated with aging have been linked to glutathione deficiency.”
Glutathione: Essential Health AID — Antioxidant. Immune Booster. Detoxifier,
Dr. Jimmy Gutman, MD, FACEP
· “Clinical evidence links low glutathione levels to the most common
illnesses of our time as well as newly emerging diseases.” Glutathione:
Essential Health AID — Antioxidant. Immune Booster. Detoxifier, Dr. Jimmy
Gutman, MD, FACEP
· “Because all other antioxidants depend upon the presence of glutathione to
function properly, scientists call it ‘the master antioxidant’.”
Glutathione: Essential Health AID — Antioxidant. Immune Booster. Detoxifier,
Dr. Jimmy Gutman, MD, FACEP
· “Healthy people also benefit from elevated glutathione levels through an
enhanced ability to fight off toxins, infectious disease, pre-cancerous
cells and the aging process itself.” Glutathione: Essential Health AID -
Antioxidant. Immune Booster. Detoxifier, Dr. Jimmy Gutman, MD, FACEP
· Many world-class athletes are discovering that well-maintained glutathione
levels give them the edge over their competitors, bringing greater strength
and endurance, decreased recovery time from injury, less muscle pain and
fatigue, and muscle-promoting activity.” Glutathione: Essential Health AID -
Antioxidant. Immune Booster. Detoxifier, Dr. Jimmy Gutman, MD, FACEP
· It is well known that aging is accompanied by a precipitous fall in
glutathione levels. Lower glutathione levels are implicated in many diseases
associated with aging, including cataracts, Alzheimer’s disease,
Parkinson’s, atherosclerosis and others.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 47: 1021–26 1994
· Low glutathione levels have been associated with neuro-degenerative
diseases such as MS (Multiple Sclerosis), ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease),
Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, among others.
The Lancet 344: 796–798, 1994
· Glutathione plays a role in eliminating many carcinogens and also
maintains an optimized immune function, providing stronger anti-tumor
Cancer Letters 57: 91–94 1991
· Low glutathione levels correspond to poor survival in AIDS patients. Much
documentation demonstrates the role of enhanced glutathione levels in AIDS.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 94: 1967–72, 1997
· Raised glutathione levels fight the oxidation of circulating fats in the
bloodstream, including cholesterol, retarding the process of plaque
formation in the arteries — the underlying cause for most heart disease and
Nutrition Reviews 54: 1–30, 1996
· Diabetics are prone to infections and circulatory problems leading to
heart disease, kidney failure and blindness. Glutathione protects against
the complications of diabetes.
Clinical Science 91: 575–582, 1996
· Doctors have used glutathione-promoting drugs to treat many lung diseases
including asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Newer potential
therapeutic roles can be found for cigarette smoke damage, pulmonary
fibrosis and other illnesses.
American Journal of Medical Science 307: 119–127, 1994
· Glutathione protects the body from the inflammation of gastritis, stomach
ulcers, pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease including ulcerative
colitis and Crohn’s disease.
Gut 42: 485–492, 1998
· The liver is the major storehouse for glutathione. Glutathione is impaired
in alcoholic hepatitis as well as in viral hepatitis A, B, and C. Raised
glutathione levels restore liver function.
American Journal of Gasteroenterology 91: 2569–2573, 1996
· Glutathione detoxifies a variety of pollutants, carcinogens and poisons,
including many found in fuel exhaust and cigarette smoke. It also retards
damage from radiation exposure due to the eroding ozone layer.
Annual Reviews of Biochemistry 52: 711–760 1983
· Raised glutathione levels help increase strength and endurance. Those
interested in physical fitness can benefit from a definite athletic edge.
Journal of Applied Physiology 87: 1381–1385, 1999
· Strong muscular activity, such as that experienced by athletes, generates
oxyradicals [free radicals] leading to muscle fatigue and poorer
performance. Glutathione neutralizes these radicals.
Sport Medicine 21: 213–238, 1996
· Lymphocytes, cells vital for your immune system, depend on glutathione for
their proper function and replication.
IMMUNOLOGY 61: 503–508 1987
· Antioxidants are well documented and known to possess vital roles in
health maintenance and disease prevention. Glutathione is your cell’s own
major antioxidant. Maintaining elevated glutathione levels aids the body’s
natural antioxidant function.
Biochemical Pharmacology 47: 2113–2123 1994

What is Glutathione? It is the body’s essential health aid. This small
protein comprised of 3 amino acids, produced naturally in the body,
maintains the three critical functions of (A)ntioxidation, (I)mmune system
booster and (D)etoxification. (A.I.D.)

Glutathione precursors in the body make cancer cells more susceptible to
chemotherapy and radiation, but make healthy cells more resistant.

Every person’s life depends on Glutathione. Without it, your cells would
disintegrate from unrestrained oxidation, your body would have little
resistance to bacteria, viruses and cancer, and your liver would eventually
shrivel up from the accumulation of toxins. Your liver has the highest
amount of Glutathione in your body. Glutathione is a detoxifier therefore it
is only natural that it supports the liver’s function.
Glutathione is not a common household word. Even Doctors usually only have a
vague idea about it. In the last 5 years there have been over 30,000 medical
articles about it. This scientific understanding will eventually become
common knowledge. When you search the Internet National Library of Medicine,
PubMed you will find over 63,000 references to Glutathione.

Example: Targeted Search -> Glutathione [ALL] cancer …find over 7,000
medical journals associating Glutathione and cancer.

The Journal of Applied Physiology has about 145 articles featuring

A very good booklet about it is available.
The booklet is called: Glutathione Its role in cancer & anticancer therapy.
Written by Doctor Jimmy Gutman MD, FACEP. Doctor Gutman tours North America
lecturing about this topic educating other Doctors and medical communities.
His position as Chief Resident at Montreal General Hospital Emergency
Department is well documented.

Each and every cell in your body is responsible for it’s own supply of
Glutathione, and must have the necessary raw materials to make it.
Glutathione is always in demand and is rapidly consumed when we experience
illness, fatigue, and even exercise. Some well know causes of Glutathione
depletion are poor diet, caffeine, pollution, drugs, radiation, stress,
injury, trauma, burns and infection. Glutathione levels also diminish as we
age and many diseases normally associated with aging have been linked to
Glutathione deficiency.

Researchers know the value of antioxidants in good health, as well as the
treatment of diseases involving oxidative attack by free radicals. A new
branch of medicine is Free Radical Biology. Because all other antioxidants
depend on the presence of Glutathione to function properly, scientists call
it “The Master Antioxidant.” This master antioxidant is responsible for the
normal functional limits of vitamin’s C & E, peroxide, and lipoic acid.
Elevated Glutathione levels enable the body to produce more white blood
cells, the front line defense of your immune system. Glutathione fights off
invading disease-causing afflictions. The effects of cancer radiation and
chemotherapy treatments are diminished by raising your internal Glutathione
Glutathione plays a central role in the functions of these immune cells. The
limiting factor in the proper activity of our lymphocytes (white blood
cells) is the availability of Glutathione. Glutathione is ‘food’ for your
immune system.

Glutathione is also for detoxification. Doctors and toxicologists use
Glutathione promoting drugs like NAC (N-acetylcysteine), OTC (ornithine
decarboxdecarboxylase procysteine), OTZ (oxothiazolidine carboxylate) and
Procysteine to detoxify certain types of drug overdoses including Tylenol.
These drugs have serious side effects and often contribute to Glutathione
imbalance and depletion.
Low Glutathione levels in your liver causes more toxins to circulate through
your body resulting in damage to individual cells and organs. Your liver has
the highest level of Glutathione in your body, and as we know the liver is
the detoxifier.

Some Natural ways to raise Glutathione levels have been attempted.

Glutathione itself taken orally in pill or powder form is not particularly
helpful to the body. A small amount may make it into the bloodstream but
most gets lost in the digestive process and cannot raise intracellular
Glutathione levels. It may even lead to a possible decrease in blood
Glutathione. Oral, Inhaled, Injected Glutathione and Cysteine are both
unstable and toxic. Cysteine (L Cysteine) is toxic.
Methionine contributes to hardening of the arteries. Melatonin is under
investigation as suspicious to good health. Glutamine causes
gastrointestinal upset, kidney and liver concerns. Lipoic Acid is still
under investigation, Silymarin has liver concerns, gas, cramps, and
The Solution. Your body has to produce (synthesize) Glutathione
intracellularly.inside your cells.
It has been discovered that only one whey protein has the key ingredients
for natural Glutathione production.
Most whey powders including ones in health food stores and nutritional
supply stores vary in protein content. They have protein breakdown, fat
content, lactose content, milk from cows subjected to antibiotics and
steroids, pasteurization to denature them and loose bioactivity. Common
whey powders are not bioactive, and do not act as Glutathione precursors.

An Undenatured Bioactive Whey Protein containing high levels of
non-denatured protein & Cysteine is the only natural way to boost or
increase your body’s internal Glutathione level.

There is only one company in the world with such a product.
Immunotec Research Canada Limited.
Product identification: HMS-90 In Canada, Immunocal in the United States.
Canada will not allow the US name because it suggests that the product has
something to do with ‘immune’ benefits. The Canadian name (HMS-90) is a
contraction of Humanized Milk Serum having 90% protein. The Canadian name
might be more interesting because it shows they are actually replicating
Mother’s milk for anyone. Mother’s milk has the same ingredients and it is
nature’s way to boost the immune system of a newborn.

Immunotec’s Glutathione precursor is a Bioactive whey based product having
90% protein and is steroid free, antibiotic free, lactose free, fat free.
They have invested 22 years of research to complete the discovery of the

There has been over 10 Million dollars invested in this research.

The scientific discoveries were supported by Medical Doctors and Scientists
and Grants from the Canadian Government and the Canada Research Council.

Product development was done in laboratories at McGill University in
conjunction with Montreal Hospital, Montreal Children’s Hospital Research
Institute, Jewish General Hospital, Institute Pasteur Paris, France, Centre
National de la Recherche Scientifique Paris, France.

There are 23 Completed Clinical Studies in Humans. Therefore they are beyond
the discovery level.

Immunotec Research has been granted 10 International “Method-Of-Use” patents
including 5 for Cancer (chemotheric therapy) and 2 patents for H.I.V. Two
patents for boosting the immune system. These are critical for cancer
treatment, cancer prevention and immune system compromised human health
concerns. The immune system patents also help H.I.V. and cancer patients
with energy loss, hair loss, and immune system breakdown.
The transition of H.I.V. to A.I.D.S. is when the body has reached a
Glutathione deficiency.

Immunocal is listed in the 2004 US Physician’s Desk Reference.
Immunocal is listed in the 2004 US Pharmacy (Red) Book.
Immunocal is covered by 2 major drug plans (Medicare & Medicaid)

There are over 495 Medical Journal Listings about this natural product at
the National Library of Medicine “PubMed” Med Line Internet Site.
Search -> Immunocal -<

A search at will find a few of the Doctors involved in the
medical science of this natural product.
Dr. Gustavo Bounous, Dr. Allen Somersall, Dr. Jimmy Gutman, Dr. Jerome
Waters, Dr. Roger Mazlen, Dr. Robert I. Bender.

Gustavo Bounous MD, Immunotec’s Director of Research and Development, has
had a distinguished academic career and has co-authored numerous articles on
proteins and the immune system in major professional journals worldwide.
After completing his studies at the University of Turin in Italy, he was
awarded the 1965 medal of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. In
1968, he was named Career Investigator of the Medical Research Council of
Canada; a post that he held for a period of 25 years. It was in 1978 that he
initiated his studies on the discovery and development of a dietary protein
source from whey concentrate; work that eventually led to the creation of
HMS 90, Immunocal.

In April, 1998 Mr. Chuck Roberts, President of Immunotec Research, testified
before a select committee of Canadian Parliament about Government
regulations concerning the marketing of natural food products, with
perceived health benefits, like HMS-90. It is an example of the new category
of nutriceuticals, as some in the industry call them. In Canada there are
only 2 recognized broad categories for products normally ingested by mouth:
foods and drugs. The law is very prohibitive regarding any claims for ‘food’
products and naturally demands much more justification, specification, and
regulation in the distribution and use of ‘drugs.’
The United States now recognizes the ‘Nutriceutical’ category. Immunotec
made their presentation with published data, scientific studies and with
method of use patents in hand. Only the future will determine when the
Canadian Government will allow the third category in Canada.
The encouraging part is when the press arrive at the companies headquarters
in Quebec seeking to expose unconfirmed medical claims. Once the diligent
journalists see the published research reports from reputable medical
journals, see the credentials of the investigators, see results of clinical
trials and talk with Doctor Bounous and Mr. Roberts, they leave with a new
appreciation for a serious company which understands that until the laws and
regulations are changed in Canada, it cannot legally make medical claims
about their natural ‘food’ product.
Immunotec Research had a marketing decision to make. There were
international drug companies negotiating for the distribution rights to a
product that qualified for cancer and H.I.V. therapeutic treatment patents.
During negotiations senior drug company executives advised Immunotec to find
alternative methods of distribution. The marketing and consumer costs of a
‘drug’ category would have meant that the product cost for the average
person would have been too high. Dieter Beer who is an Immunotec Research
partner and marketing business expert was advised that direct distribution
would be a much better avenue. This method of distribution has allowed the
launch of HMS-90 4 years ago through a system of individuals and small
businesses who represent the companies best interests and the distribution
of information about the company and it’s products. This has proven to be a
perfect solution to the ‘drug’, ‘food’ dilemma as it now exists. The result
is availability of a world class health maintenance product at a very low
The ethical side of the Immunotec decision is that the average person has
access to a scientifically, medically proven, health maintenance product at
an affordable cost. This is a saving to the existing Health Care system
because of a few factors. There is no Doctor cost to prescribe the product.
There is no cost to the O.H.I.P. healthcare resources and funds. And the
fact that if people’s Glutathione levels are elevated there will be less
sickness, diseases and health care costs. This would also cost employers
less sick day payouts.
If people are healthier, with less disease they will enjoy a higher quality
of life. Traditional drugs have harmful side effects that a person’s body
has to deal with. To utilize something that has no side effects and is
completely complimentary to conventional treatments from medical Doctors is
an intelligent choice for a Naturopathic Doctor to administer and prescribe
to their patients.
Historically hospitals were Naturopathic in the way they treated patients.
In the past 200 years a change has happened. Drug companies have had a major
influence in the training of Doctors and the operations of Hospitals. This
has been a financial boom to the drug company industries. History now shows
us that antibiotics are not working as well any more. ‘Super’ bugs are now
created due to immunity to antibiotics. Traditional drugs are taxing to a
person’s immune system.
People are looking back to see if the ‘old’ days had any health maintenance
aspects being ignored today. Health food stores are flourishing, alternative
health solutions are being published daily in newspapers. People are more
informed by what has happened in the past. They can learn what things have
caused health distress, sickness, etc. in the past. We can discover
information now on the Internet.
Currently HMS-90 is available in 10 gram packages and production can keep up
with the current sale demands. There are about 60,000 people per month using
this product. This represents a large group of people who are raising their
Glutathione levels in the quest for good health.
There are no opposing perspectives of the key stakeholders. Four out of the
five company executives came out of retirement to launch Immunotec Research
Limited. These stakeholders learned what this product will do for people’s
health in a natural way and they support it 100%. Skeptics will have to do
their own research about Glutathione. Many medical and scientific
discoveries in the past were not accepted until people were given the tools
and proofs needed to be educated.
Traditional Canadian hospitals and medical Doctors are closely associated
with Pharmaceutical drug companies. I think that it would be very difficult
for a natural product to be endorsed and prescribed in Canadian hospitals.
This may change in the future. In the United States Medicare and Medicaid
drug plans reimburse the product and there are many medical Doctors that
prescribe it and many hospitals encourage the use of it. The ‘Nutriceutical’
category in the United States is the reason for this.
One action option is to have HMS-90 prescribed in hospitals by Doctors. This
will increase patient’s chances of regaining health and experiencing less
adverse effects of traditional drugs. HMS-90 is complimentary to current
drug therapies. HMS-90 will change how medicine is practiced today. Using
this product will decrease spending of hospital funds, Doctor resources and
medication costs. Alternative and medical doctors can prescribe this product
for their patients. It is just the education process they must go through
before realizing the health potential and disease fighting process that
happens with elevated levels of Glutathione.
If HMS-90 is endorsed by the conventional medical fields patients may be
confused by the simplicity of the product. Patients will need education and
information about the product. People will have to start thinking about
prevention and be proactive about their health instead of reacting to
ongoing health and sickness concerns. Some restrictions are given for
prescribing HMS-90. People who have a specific milk protein allergies, those
who are in kidney failure, and anyone on immunosuppressive drugs or
medications should not take this product without medical supervision.
This product is available from a private Canadian company based in Quebec.
The distribution system they have chosen means there will be no inflated
product costs because of advertising, warehousing, retail store costs and
related traditional marketing methods. The negative side of this is that
hospital patients and the general public will not be exposed to it in
traditional ways.
Glutathione has an important role to play in the treatment and prevention of
hundreds of diseases. Clinical tests show that raised Glutathione levels may
address some of the major health issues of our time.
Possible clinical applications of high body levels of Glutathione include:
Aging, Cardiovascular, Digestive, Toxicology, Infectious disease &
Immunology, Cancer, Pulmonary and Metabolic health concerns, burns and many
injuries. Glutathione supplies the tools for the body to fight off these
threats naturally. An interesting fact is that Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s
patients have very low Glutathione levels in their bodies. At autopsy they
are found to be about 40% deficient in Glutathione according to information
from Doctor Jimmy Gutman. PubMed has about 95,000 completed studies
published about Glutathione and Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s.
Naturopathic Doctors act to identify and remove obstacles to healing and
recovery, and to facilitate and increase this inherent self-healing process.
Naturopathic Doctors share information and knowledge with their patients and
encourage self- responsibility for health. And to use methods and medicines
which minimize the risk of harmful side effects, using the least force
necessary to diagnose and treat.
HMS-90 matches the principals of the Naturopathic College and its mandate to
help people heal themselves naturally.

Please feel free to review these notable Internet sites about Glutathione.

1. Meister A. The antioxidant effects of Glutathione and ascorbic acid. In:
Oxidative Stress, Cell Activation and Viral Infection. C. Pasquier et al
(Eds.). Birkauser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, 101–11, 1994.
2. Meister A, Anderson ME. Glutathione. Ann Rev Biochem 52: 711–60, 1983.
3. Kaplowitz N, Aw TY, Ookhtens M. The regulation of hepatic glutathione.
Ann Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 25: 715–44, 1985.
4. Witschi A, Reddy S, Stofer B, Lauterburg BH. The systemic availability of
oral glutathione. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 43: 667–9, 1992.
5. Meister A. New aspects of glutathione biochemistry and transport
selective alteration of glutathione metabolism. Nutr Rev 42: 397–410, 1984.
6. Bounous G, Gold P. The biological activity of undenatured dietary whey
proteins: role of glutathione. Clin Invest Med 14: 296–309, 1991.
7. Droege W, Eck HP, Mihm S, Galter D. Abnormal redox regulation in HIV
infection and other immunodeficiency diseases. In: Oxidative Stress, Cell
Activation and Viral Infection. C. Pasquier et al (Eds). Birkauser Verlag,
Basel, Switzerland, 285–99, 1994.
8. Noelle RJ, Lawrence DA. Determination of glutathione in lymphocytes and
possible association of redox state and proliferative capacity of
lymphocytes. Biochem J 198: 571–9, 1981.
9. Fidelus RK, Tsan MF. Glutathione and lymphocyte activation: A function of
aging and auto-immune disease. Immunology 61: 503–8, 1987.
10. Staal FJT, Roederer M, Israelski DM, Bubp J et al. Intracellular
glutathione levels in T cell subsets decreases in HIV-infected individuals.
AIDS Res and Hum Retro- viruses 8: 305–11, 1992.
11. Herzenberg L, De Rosa S, Dubs G, Roederer M et al. Glutathione
deficiency is associated with impaired survival in HIV disease. Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA 94: 1967–72, 1997.
12. Bounous G, Stevenson MM, Kongshavn PAL. Influence of dietary lactalbumin
hydrolysate on the immune system of mice and resistance to Salmonellosis. J
Infect Dis 144: 281, 1981.
13. Bounous G, Kongshavn PAL. Influence of dietary proteins on the immune
system of mice. J Nutr 112: 1747–55, 1982.
14. Bounous G, Letourneau L, Kongshavn PAL. Influence of dietary protein
type on the immune system of mice. J Nutr 113: 1415–21, 1983.
15. Bounous G, Kongshavn PAL. Influence of protein type in nutritionally
adequate diets on the development of immunity. In: Absorption and
Utilization of Amino Acids. M. Friedman (Ed.). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC
Press, vol. 2, 219–32, 1989.
16. Bounous G, Batist G, Gold P. Immunoenhancing property of dietary whey
protein in mice: role of glutathione. Clin Invest Med 12: 154–61,1989.
17. Bounous G, Shenouda N, Kongshavn PAL, Osmond DG. Mechanism of altered
B-cell response induced by changes in dietary protein type in mice. J Nutr
115: 1409–17, 1985.
18. Hirai R, Nakai S, Kikuishi H, Kawai K. Evaluation of the Immunological
Enhancement Activities of Immunocal. Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Cellular
Technology Institute, Dec. 13, 1990.
19. Eigel WN, Butler JE, Ernstrom CA, Farrell HM et al. Nomenclature of
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25. Richie JP. The role of glutathione in aging and cancer. Exp Gerontol 27:
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27. Meerman JHN, Beland FA, Ketterer B, Srai SKF et al. Identification of
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28. Boyland E, Sims P. The metabolism of benz(a)anthracene and
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29. Waterfall JF, Sims P. Epoxy derivatives of aromatic polycyclic
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30. Yamazoe Y, Roth RW, Kadlubar FF. Reactivity of benzidine diimine with
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31. Bounous G, Papenburg R, Kongshavn PAL, Gold P et al. Dietary whey
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32. McIntosh GH, Regester GQ, Le Leu RK, Royle PJ. Dairy proteins protect
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33. Frei E, Bertram B, Wiessler M. Reduced glutathione inhibits the
alkylation by N-nitrosodimethylamine of liver DNA in vivo and microsomal
fraction in vitro. Chem Biol Interact 55: 123–37, 1985.
34. Roberts JJ, Warwick GP. Mode of action of alkylating agents in formation
of S-ethyl cysteine from ethyl methanesulphonate. Nature 179: 1181, 1958.
35. Coles B, Srai SKS, Waynforth B, Ketterer B. The major role of
glutathione in the excretion of N, N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene in the rat.
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36. Sims P. The metabolism of 3-methylcholanthrene and some related
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37. Sims P. The metabolism of 7- and 12-methylbenz(a)anthra-cenes and their
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38. Djuric Z, Coles B, Fifer EK, Ketterer B et al. In vivo and in vitro
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39. Ripple MO, Henry W, Rago R, Wilding G. Prooxidant-antioxidant shift
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40. Hazelton GA, Lang CA. Glutathione contents of tissues in the aging
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41. Lang CA, Richie JP, Chen TS. Differential glutathione and cysteine
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44. Calvin HI, Medvedovsky C, Worgul BV. Near-total glutathione depletion
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45. Riederer P, Sofic E, Rausch WD, Schmidt B. Transition metals, ferritin,
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46. Ebadi M, Srinivasan SK, Baxi MD. Oxidative stress and antioxidant
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48. Bounous G, Gervais F, Amer V, Batist G et al. The influence of dietary
whey protein on tissue glutathione and the diseases of aging. Clin Invest
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49. Blumberg JB, Meydani SN. Role of dietary antioxidants in aging. In:
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50. Birt DF, Baker PY, Hruza DS. Nutritional evaluations of three dietary
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51. Birt DF, Schuldt GH, Salmasi S. Survival of hamsters fed graded levels
of two protein sources. Lab Anim Sci 32: 363–6, 1982.
52. Bray TM, Taylor CO. Enhancement of tissue glutathione for antioxidant
and immune functions in malnutrition. Biochem Pharmacol 2113–23, 1994.
53. Puri RN, Meister A. Transport of glutathione, as
g-glutamylcylsteinylglycyl ester, into liver and kidney. Proc Natl Acad Sci
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54. Anderson ME, Powric F, Puri RN, Meister A. Glutathione monoethyl ester:
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55. Birnbaum SM, Winitz M, Greenstein JP. Quantitative nutritional studies
with water-soluble, chemically defined diets. III. Individual amino acids as
sources of “non-essential” nitrogen. Arch Biochem Biophys 72: 428–36, 1957.
56. Bridgeman MME, Marsden M, MacNee W, Flenley DC et al. Cysteine and
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treatment with N-acetylcysteine. Thorax 46: 39–42, 1991.
57. Williamson JM, Boettcher B, Meister A. Intracellular cysteine delivery
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Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 79: 6246–9, 1982.
58. Mant TGK, Tempowski JH, Volans GN, Talbot JCC. Adverse reactions to
acetylcysteine and effects of overdose. Br Med J 289: 217–19, 1984.
59. Koch SM, Leis AA, Stokic DS, Khawli FA et al. Side effects of
intravenous N-acetylcysteine. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 149: A321, 1994.
60. Williamson JM, Meister A. Stimulation of hepatic glutathione formation
by administration of L-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate, a 5-oxo-L, prolinase
substrate. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 78: 936–9, 1981.
61. Baruchel S, Viau G, Olivier R, Bounous G. Nutriceutical modulation of
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62. Watanabe A, Higuchi K, Yasumura S, Shimizu Y et al. Nutritional
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and C. Hepatology 24: 1883, 1996.

As a food categorized drug Immunocal / HMS-90 must have a disclaimer found
on the company home page.
But, Isn’t it a blessing that a natural food has medical patents for the
treatment and prevention of cancer with NO side effects.

Immunotec Research Ltd.’s strong scientific foundations support
the consumers who use our products. By continually
submitting its products to scientific scrutiny, Immunotec ensures
both its corporate longevity and the product recognition essential
to market success.
“Retaining our competitive advantage within our core competency is
essential,” says Immunotec Vice-President of Research & Development, John
Molson. It is for this reason that Immunotec Research has formed a Medical
Board of renowned doctors who provide oversight to all clinical trial
activities and who input on product development activities.
Dr.Wulf Dröge chairs the Board which includes Dr. Sylvain Baruchel,
Dr.Gustavo Bounous and Dr.Yves Pouliot.
Dr. Dröge heads the Immunology Division of the German National Cancer
Institute in Heidelberg, Germany , is a Professor in the Faculty of Biology
at the University of Heidelberg, completed a Ph.D thesis at the Max-Planck
Institute for Immune Biology in Friedburg, Germany and has a vast list of
outstanding credentials. As a world-renowned scientist, Dr. Dröge has
completed research in the areas of redox regulation and signaling pathways
in lymphocytes, pathogenesis of HIV infection, mechanism of disease-related
wasting and aging, and the action of tumor necrosis factor. Dr. Bounous
calls Wulf Dröge “a renowned man with vast knowledge”.
More than ten years ago, during Dr. Dröge’s scientific work related
to oxidative stress, glutathione and redox regulation, he became
aware of the work of Dr. Bounous on the biological effects of
certain cysteine-rich milk-derived proteins. A few years ago, Dieter
Beer, Co-Founder of Immunotec Research, became aware of
Dr. Dröge’s work and approached him at his lab at the German
Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg and asked him to work as a
consultant for Immunotec Research.
As Dr. Dröge puts it, “From the very first moment I had the impression that
the great nutritional and clinical potential of certain cysteine-rich milk
proteins (ie. Immunocal/HMS 90) has by far not been fully exploited.
Accordingly, I considered it a great challenge to establish new clinical
applications for these proteins and related peptides. It was therefore clear
to me that I had to accept the position that Mr. Beer was offering at
Immunotec Research Ltd.”
Explaining the significance of Dr. Dröge’s credentials (German National
Cancer Institute in Heidelberg, Germany), John Molson puts it simply: “Wulf
Dröge is to redox physiology what Wayne Gretzky is to hockey, Bill Gates is
to computers or what Warren Buffet is to investments.”
Immunotec is proud to have its Medical Board chaired by a man of such
distinction and notoriety.Dr. Dröge’s impeccable network of colleagues
across Europe and North America is testament to his standing in the
international medical/scientific community. Dr. Dröge’s contribution to
Research and Development results in significant recognition for Immunocal/
HMS 90, thereby creating
greater product awareness and credibility for all customers.
Welcome aboard Dr. Dröge!

here are only 2 catagories in canada
Drug or food
It is a drug
They classified it as a food by choice to keep the cost down

Please go to Japan or Germany and get a Doctor to prescribe it to you as a
It will cost you 3 times the money for the same product

Now which is better?
A no side effect food that prevents and treats cancer
or harmful “Drugs”?
From the company:
“I would like to take this opportunity to address some issues contained in
postings concerning Immunocal.

In regards to questions on clinical efficacy I refer you to the Pubmed site
where both Dr Bounous and Dr Baruchel have had their work on Immunocal
published — approx 80 articles.

Immunotec recently completed a trial with the Canadian HIV network — double
blind randomized w/ placebo & drug.

The catalyst for the said trial was a study conducted by Dr Sylvain Baruchel
on 11 children with AIDS and Wasting — as you are aware all 11 children put
on weight.

Dr Larry Lands — Associate Prof Pediatrics McGill University in Montreal
recently completed a study on Immunocal & healthy adults — part of a two arm
study in Pulmonary Obstruction — the said paper will be presented at the
American Lung Association meeting in San Diego April 99.

As a note of interest it was one of 30 culled from 5000 submitted to be
presented to the media for its novelty.

So that you are aware what I have mentioned is only a small component of
what we have initiated in terms of furthering our research.

Immunotec has been granted 6 method of use patents — two of which
are specifically for treatment of Cancer & AIDS.

With regard to Immunotec’s distribution system we use three methods:

1) Immunocare, which is direct to the consumer
2) Networking
3) Classic Distribution — Drug stores etc — this accommodates the recent
granting of insurance reimbursement in the United States.

You mentioned the issue of FDA approval, you are no doubt aware that the FDA
regulates the supplement category (it does not approve supplements) as such
it is neither useful or feasible to get an approval for Immunocal as we are
classed as a supplement.

The FDA action concerning importation was the result unauthorized claims
made on certain websites, this has since been remedied.

I hope this answers some of the queries put forth in your posting.”

Kind regards

John H Molson
Vice President — Research & Dev
Immunotec Research

You can order a copy of the cancer patent from their price list.
Or follow the international medical patent links to read them.

John H Molson
Vice President — Research & Dev
Immunotec Research

Yes there is a disclaimer on the Immunotec site regarding what the product
will or won’t do. This is because it is classified as a food.
As a prescription drug it would have much more expensive.
It is drug qualified.
Aren’t you tired of side effect drugs?
Something natural and a food that treats, prevents, inhibits cancer, aids in
chemo and radio therapies with medical cancer patents is refreshing.
You can order a copy of the cancer patent from their price list.
Or follow the international medical patent links to read them.

There are people here fighting for their lives. People have made a
comprehensive decision to go with Immunocal due to issues around safety,
efficacy, company sustainability and the potential for Medicaid approval for
those PWAs who for the most part are unable to obtain this important
compound or anything of its like to restore critical GSH levels while
suffering from cancer. It is galling to observe and be forced to engage
someone not facing these same critical life-threatening issues because of
their personal idiosyncrasy, prejudice, and mislead analysis of critical
issues because of their lack of scientific understanding and disassociation
with front line Cancer activists.
If you wish to engage us further on the subject of pricing, expanded access,
compassionate release, clinical trial accrual, or other issues regarding
Immunocal you may do so constructively by submitting a formal inquiry to,
myself, John Molson or David Miller, who is acting as our community liaison,
has provided invaluable information and guidance in regards to community
relations and remains so unpaid and out of
philanthropic and personal interest to help alleviate patient suffering. We
eagerly your reply and will pay due attention to your concerns. However we
strongly encourage that your criticisms of Immunotec, its representatives,
community liaisons and members of its patient medical advisory board be
appropriate and civil.


15 years ago


“Immunotec Research” <***> wrote in message
> There are people here fighting for their lives.

Which is why sad, sorry snake-oil salesmen like you are not wanted

Energy Tonic

15 years ago


Steph <***@vancouver.island> wrote in message
> “Immunotec Research” <***> wrote in message
> news:1x6jd.6001$***…
> >
> >
> >
> > There are people here fighting for their lives.
> Which is why sad, sorry snake-oil salesmen like you are not wanted
Steph you need some courses in biology, physiology, microbiology and anatomy
Then read all 6 majour books about glutathione written by medical doctors
especially the cancer chapters
Then maybe you would understand the medical science I have sent.
An ethical biotechnology research company with medical patents for the
treatment and prevention of cancer
does not have snake oil.
Since you won’t spend 50 cents to phone the company and find out for
you have to remain ignorant and you are not helping anyone here


15 years ago


“Energy Tonic” <***> writes:
>Steph <***@vancouver.island> wrote in message
>> “Immunotec Research” <***> wrote in message
>> news:1x6jd.6001$***…
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > There are people here fighting for their lives.
>> Which is why sad, sorry snake-oil salesmen like you are not wanted
>Steph you need some courses in biology, physiology, microbiology and anatomy
>Then read all 6 majour books about glutathione written by medical doctors
>especially the cancer chapters

I’m a biochemist, and you’re a spamming fuckwit.

“The road to Paradise is through Intercourse.”
[email me at huge [at] huge [dot] org [dot] uk]

Immunotec Research

15 years ago


Huge <***> wrote in message
> “Energy Tonic” <***> writes:
> >
> >Steph <***@vancouver.island> wrote in message
> >news:DQ8jd.134440$%***@pd7tw2no…
> >>
> >> “Immunotec Research” <***> wrote in message
> >> news:1x6jd.6001$***…
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > There are people here fighting for their lives.
> >>
> >> Which is why sad, sorry snake-oil salesmen like you are not wanted
> >>
> >Steph you need some courses in biology, physiology, microbiology and
> >Then read all 6 majour books about glutathione written by medical doctors
> >especially the cancer chapters
> I’m a biochemist, and you’re a spamming fuckwit.

Paul T. Holland

15 years ago


why don’t you start by revealing who you actually are? are you duncan crow?

Immunotec Research wrote:

> Huge <***> wrote in message
> news:cmlgae$rrp$***…
> > “Energy Tonic” <***> writes:
> > >
> > >Steph <***@vancouver.island> wrote in message
> > >news:DQ8jd.134440$%***@pd7tw2no…
> > >>
> > >> “Immunotec Research” <***> wrote in message
> > >> news:1x6jd.6001$***…
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> > There are people here fighting for their lives.
> > >>
> > >> Which is why sad, sorry snake-oil salesmen like you are not wanted
> > >>
> > >Steph you need some courses in biology, physiology, microbiology and
> anatomy
> > >Then read all 6 majour books about glutathione written by medical doctors
> > >especially the cancer chapters
> >
> > I’m a biochemist, and you’re a spamming fuckwit.
> >
> >


15 years ago


“Paul T. Holland” wrote:

> why don’t you start by revealing who you actually are?

Paul, I know who he is, his outfit name, his city and his phone number.
That’s not the point,

Paul T. Holland

15 years ago


oh i know j..

sorry no wish to upset — just having a bit of a rough time the past few
weeks myself and out of boredom…

.i was just having a bit of a poke is all and looking to see if he would
take the bait — brian l. is really sooo silly with all this — such a
‘complete’ scam spammer that it’s kind of funny to watch him dance all
around…did you catch the one where he claims to be a director of an
International Pharmaceutical Company? sales that is, lol!

all at the same time as the ‘canemaster’ scam back in ‘02? too funny! or
his 20 years of experience as a photog? while touting cosmetics…

or the time spent with Melaleuca, or when he did ‘art’ sales

i laughed a whole bunch when the yr 2000 *** addy was also
used for selling phone sex

he’s on a major campaign to recruit a ‘team’ and expand his distributorship

Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Oakville locations…he’ll slip up just
like all others before him, i can be patient…i’ve known ‘Starflight Sales
and Services/aka — brianbmwrider’ for a long time — lol

shoot, he’s just another ‘tin man’…


be well


J wrote:

> “Paul T. Holland” wrote:
> > why don’t you start by revealing who you actually are?
> Paul, I know who he is, his outfit name, his city and his phone number.
> That’s not the point,
> J


15 years ago


“Paul T. Holland” wrote:

> oh i know j..
> sorry no wish to upset — just having a bit of a rough time the past few
> weeks myself and out of boredom…

Sorry about that Paul.
Listen up, if people go to the trouble of reporting him, then we reply to him,
that’s essentially baiting him to ome back and post, best to ignore his posts.
If you do something, report him, or find software that anonymously could fill
up all his yahoo accounts.
Spam him and tie up his accounts would be the ideal, if there was such software
and it could be done anonymously.

Likewise if we tell people to “plonk” him, then we keep replying to his posts,
they see the posts anyways (throught our replies), so it’s self-defeating. Is
my way of seeing it, plus I’m danged tired of seeing the name of the product in
the subject line, so change the subject line. (remember: advertising = name
recognition), Ok?
Be well yourself,


15 years ago


J <***@anon.anon> writes:
>”Paul T. Holland” wrote:
>> oh i know j..
>> sorry no wish to upset — just having a bit of a rough time the past few
>> weeks myself and out of boredom…
>Sorry about that Paul.
>Listen up, if people go to the trouble of reporting him, then we reply to him,
>that’s essentially baiting him to ome back and post, best to ignore his posts.
>If you do something, report him, or find software that anonymously could fill
>up all his yahoo accounts.
>Spam him and tie up his accounts would be the ideal, if there was such software
>and it could be done anonymously.

I’m greatly saddened by the amount of snake oil being pushed here. How can people
do such things?

“The road to Paradise is through Intercourse.”
[email me at huge [at] huge [dot] org [dot] uk]


15 years ago


Huge wrote:

> I’m greatly saddened by the amount of snake oil being pushed here.

Well, at its worse, there could have been, at any given time, 10 posters or more. It
was chaos trying to follow a thread and get good information. Before the Charter
(Spring 2003) and various efforts to dissuade them from posting here.
This newsgroup (as opposed to other cancer newsgroups) is their main target. They
don’t typically stay long on the breast or prostate newsgroup.

> How can people do such things?

Money — no conscience, misguided in their beliefs, loons, conspiracy theories,
anti-conventional — cut/slash/burn, anti pharma — medications, some patients have had
remissions or were improperly diagnosed to begin with and claim some “snake oil”
cured them.


15 years ago


J <***@anon.anon> wrote in message news:<***>…
> Huge wrote:
> > I’m greatly saddened by the amount of snake oil being pushed here.
> Well, at its worse, there could have been, at any given time, 10 posters or more. It
> was chaos trying to follow a thread and get good information. Before the Charter
> (Spring 2003) and various efforts to dissuade them from posting here.
> This newsgroup (as opposed to other cancer newsgroups) is their main target. They
> don’t typically stay long on the breast or prostate newsgroup.

J — check the date of the message you responded to. That user ID
posted two messages, both in 1996. He didnt stay long either


15 years ago


socks wrote:

> J — check the date of the message you responded to.

It’s (his post) is dated 5.24 am today.

> That user ID posted two messages, both in 1996. He didnt stay long either

Huge does not archive, so one has to plug in his email address into the phrase box of
Google to see his posts.
I think that the way that Google collects/shows posts (by subject line) is causing you
some confusion there, Socks.
get home soon, haha…no chance (he says), I’m enjoying my vacation too much.


15 years ago


*** (socks) writes:
>J <***@anon.anon> wrote in message news:<***>…
>> Huge wrote:
>> > I’m greatly saddened by the amount of snake oil being pushed here.
>> Well, at its worse, there could have been, at any given time, 10 posters or more. It
>> was chaos trying to follow a thread and get good information. Before the Charter
>> (Spring 2003) and various efforts to dissuade them from posting here.
>> This newsgroup (as opposed to other cancer newsgroups) is their main target. They
>> don’t typically stay long on the breast or prostate newsgroup.
>J — check the date of the message you responded to. That user ID
>posted two messages, both in 1996. He didnt stay long either

Hardly. I’ve never been to this newsgroup before, and that message was
posted this morning.


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bioactive on twitter
bioactive on twitter

Written by bioactive on twitter

It’s just me. My son once said I should write my memoir but since I have mental issues, I can never organize the writing part. So here we are, it’s all random…

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